Tuesday, September 8, 2015

I once was lost...

Oh Mama.

Well... where do I start?

Shortly after my last post, I ended up having to get a JOB. My last year has been a whirlwind.
New job, promotions, separation, single momming, and so on.

I have finally turned a corner, and realize that I really do, for really real, need to start to MAKE time for me.  Being a full-time single mom of 3 and working a full-time management job doesn't really offer me much in the way of that so now I am getting creative.

I won't say much about my separation here, but what I will say is that this was the last thing either of us expected.  Unfortunately it was really the only option for us, and we still get along well. The adjustment is hard to watch the kids go through, and I find myself feeling pretty lonely.  I am a people person and have never really had a whole lot of time on my own.  I mean the kids are here, but its hard not having someone to bounce things off of. I always had my parents, room mates or significant others.

Where am I am now?  I am #nailing my job for the most part.  By no means perfect, but I can really see a lot of improvement. I have started to really step up my Momming game recently.  I mean my kids always know I love them, and I have been doing stuff with them. Basically I was in survival mode, covering all my bases, and leaving out little stuff that isn't a big deal anyhow. You know like socks, keeping my 2 year old in my bed, not really enforcing a strict bed time, too much electronic time, and so on.

It hit me the other day, I can actually do these things.  I need to concentrate on whats important rather than doing less because I resent having to do it alone.  And this doesn't mean that I will always get socks on my kids, or that they won't watch TV anymore, or that they won't climb into my bed, it just means that I want to make a conscious effort to be a more present parent for my kids. They deserve it.

SO, on the health side of things. I was doing really well on Trim Healthy Mama for about a month, then stress got too much for me and since I don't really have anyone, I turned to the thing that is always there for me, food.  Thankfully I am still down 10-15lbs from where I was in April so I am hoping to just carry on.

 Tonight I purchased a StairMASTER, and logged a whole 6 minutes on that bad boy, and I am also schedule to try CrossFit this week.  Since I have no alone time, I am able to take time out of my work day twice a week for my Cross Fit Classes, and now that I have the StairMASTER at home, I have no excuse to not get at least a small amount of exercise.

I'm probably going to be slow on pics and things until I get a little more regular with my blogging.  (FINGERS CROSSED I keep it up)

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